Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age mixes accessibility with familiarity in the one of the series’ most engaging entries

It was a time of peace in Ivalice.  A long-awaited wedding would bring out the people of Rabanastre in harmony and in celebration, but their joyous merrymaking would be short lived. Suddenly, an attack from the nearby kingdom of Dalmasca would shatter the tranquil atmosphere, turning excitement and happiness into panic and terror. So begins…

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Despite being a throwback, Battle Chasers: Nightwar feels modern in all the right ways

Battle Chasers: Nightwar describes itself as an “RPG inspired by classic console greats.” That’s an apt description, as Battle Chasers is definitely a throwback in many ways — for good and bad. But it doesn’t just take and reproduce old concepts wholesale: it tweaks and modernizes them in ways that make Battle Chasers feel fresh…

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