Review: GrimGrimoire OnceMore is a beautiful encore of an overlooked gem
A surprising mix of RTS and RPG, GrimGrimoire is one of the PlayStation 2’s most gorgeous games, and now it’s making a return in HD form.
A surprising mix of RTS and RPG, GrimGrimoire is one of the PlayStation 2’s most gorgeous games, and now it’s making a return in HD form.
Unresponsive controls get in the way of an otherwise enjoyable callback to 16-bit platformers in Curse of the Sea Rats.
Drop – System Breach is an excellent speed hacker, continually holding you on the edge of chaos as you try to juggle half a dozen different tasks simultaneously.
With a mix of the familiar and the new, Diablo 4 seems poised to capture the attention of many series’ fans.
Our two action aficionados gather to chat about Team Ninja’s latest.
It doesn’t reinvent the formula, but Like a Dragon: Ishin! successfully spins off from mainline Yakuza in the 19th Century yarn.
SEASON is a wonderful story about memory, history, and what we leave behind.
Final Fantasy Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line is a bittersweet symphony that will have you rocking out to some of the best music that Square has to offer.
Picking off from where Trails from Zero left off, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure continues to deliver excellent JRPG gameplay and a very worthwhile story.
Return to Castlevania brings back an old school classic that gets tangled in with a modern one as Castlevania clashes with excellent roguelike Dead Cells in a set of brand-new levels!