Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure is a beautiful and enchanting experience
Arranger is a palate-cleansing puzzle game which hits all its notes with practised poise.
Arranger is a palate-cleansing puzzle game which hits all its notes with practised poise.
The Devil’s Playhouse is still the most stylish of the Telltale Sam & Max games.
Vampire Therapist shows that even undead blood-suckers can have complex emotional problems.
The Riven remake is an expert modernization and expansion to the original, bringing its gorgeous worlds fully to life.
Still Wakes the Deep delivers you the thrills and tension of its collapsing oil rig rollercoaster with fine precision.
While Deep Beyond is gorgeous to look at, the story it tells is slight and superficial.
For aficionados of stealth platformers, Ereban: Shadow Legacy is certainly easy to recommend.
If you’re looking for a narrative adventure which is stylishly pushing the genre forward, Indika absolutely delivers.
Highwater has some good writing and atmosphere, but the light exploration and turn-based battles don’t feel particularly engaging.
Alone in the Dark certainly lives up to being the best game in the franchise since The New Nightmare in 2001.