Just fly away, very far away from Jump Force
Jump Force’s potential is squandered by its boring, practically nonexistent mission design and terrible use of the fan-favorite franchises it includes.
Jump Force’s potential is squandered by its boring, practically nonexistent mission design and terrible use of the fan-favorite franchises it includes.
Dirt Rally 2.0 provides one of the most thrilling racing experiences you’re likely to find.
For as tiring as the formula’s starting to get for Far Cry, there’s absolutely no denying that these games can be a whole lot of brainless fun.
I really dig what Chucklefish has done with Wargroove. It manages to be a double-sided coin that serves a painful reminder that it’s been eleven years since a proper sequel to Advance Wars.
While I wouldn’t say that this Definitive Edition is perfect, it’s still the best way to play Tales of Vesperia.
If Ace Combat 7: Unknown Skies is any indication, there’s still plenty of fuel left in the tank for the flight sim genre.
I’m surprised by the overall quality of this season, and if things keep going the way they are, I’m sure its finale will prove to be as emotionally charged as the season has been so far.
The Switch eShop might be starting to get bloated with all sorts of indie releases in a similar way Steam is, but you can count on developers like JoyMasher to bring quality releases like Odallus and Oniken.
As its name suggests, Oniken: Unstoppable Edition is unrelenting action game with deep 8-bit roots.
The only bad thing I can possibly say about Downwell is that it took way too long to be brought over to the Switch.