There’s a pissed off duck with a top hat in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and he ain’t Scrooge
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden makes some exciting additions to the XCOM formula. It’s also one hell of a stealth game to boot.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden makes some exciting additions to the XCOM formula. It’s also one hell of a stealth game to boot.
It’s a bummer to think that this is the Darksiders I waited to play for so long.
I don’t want to completely write it off, but as it stands, though, Fallout 76 is a game that’s hard to recommend even to die-hard Fallout fans.
Turf Wars sets some potentially cool hooks up for the final chapter in this three-part set of DLCs.
The Heist is decently paced and provides a decent reason to jump back to the game if you’ve dropped it since completing the main story.
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise is proof that following a formula just isn’t enough to make a game fun.
Hitman 2 is the franchise’s pinnacle in terms of gameplay and design.
Having a series of increasingly difficult fights would be great and all, but the main deal with The Good, The Bad, and The Augmented is that it gets really repetitive pretty quickly.
SoulCalbur VI is an excellent pickup, especially so for anyone like me, who’s fallen off from the series at a point.
The SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is yet another great package that fits fantastically well on the Switch.