Review: It’s a marvel that Dead Island 2 is out and an even bigger one that it’s good
Following a novel-worthy journey through development hell, it’s a miracle that Dead Island 2 turned out as well as it did.
Following a novel-worthy journey through development hell, it’s a miracle that Dead Island 2 turned out as well as it did.
Dying Light: The Following is an expansion that doesn’t settle for merely being more Dying Light. It wants to expand the game further, try out a couple new ideas like the best expansions often do. Only, unlike the best expansions, Dying Light: The Following doesn’t quite deliver on its potential. The Following takes place after…
For as much as we can say about high definition re-releases of video games over the last few years, for how easy a cash-in they can be or giving out judgment in regards to their quality, there’s one fact that can’t be denied: a great game from years ago can still be a great game…
After the stunning finale of season one, Telltale had quite the task ahead of themselves. The Walking Dead has thus far proven to be one of their strongest, most successful efforts. Screwing up now would spell disaster, especially with expectations running so high. With the debut episode of season two, All That Remains, they don’t…
Grand Theft Auto 3 is undeniably one of the most influential games of the past decade. It basically started out what we have now come to call ‘open world’ games – with time, each of them becoming increasingly bigger and more ambitious than what came before. Undead Labs took that concept and married it to…
At first glance, State of Decay might look like a wild life survival game. Okay, that would be the case if it weren’t for the hordes of zombies, the piles of half-eaten dead bodies and trails of blood everywhere, that is. Even though the subject matter has more than been beaten to oblivious and treaded…
Resident Evil 6 is without a doubt, a terrible, rotten, no good, very bad game. Its an over-produced attempt to please everyone while pleasing no one, lavishly crafted yet inherently diseased video game. There was never any momentum within the story or the gameplay that could provide anything more than a short, fleeting moment of mediocre…