Eduardo Reboucas

Eduardo has been playing and talking about games for about as long as he can remember. You can follow him at

E3 2016: Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Hands-off Siege Impressions – You gotta take that castle

If you enjoy medieval warfare simulators, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord might be right up your alley. Taleworlds Entertainment’s newest entry in the series had a pretty exciting demo during my appointment with them at E3 that had an army laying siege to an enemy castle. I had the luck of sitting right next a member…

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E3 2016: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Hands-off Impressions – Dressed up for the occasion

Kingdom Come: Deliverance made for an impressive display at E3 2016 during my time with the folks from Warhorse on the very last official appointment of the show. It’s a game that defies expectations and really ups the ante in terms of ambition with its extremely and painstakingly detailed rendering of realistic armor, locations and the simulation…

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E3 2016: Space Hulk: Deathwing Hands-off Impressions – Let there be vermin… in spaaaace

Space Hulk: Deathwing is the latest in the long-running series of games set in Warhammer 40,000 tabletop universe from Games Workshop. You once once again don the armor of a space marine tasked with ridding the universe of the many dangers that lie in the shadows. This time around, though, you’re confined to the recesses of a…

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E3 2016: Telltale’s Batman Hands-off Impressions – Cowled be thy Wayne

Telltale’s newest adventure season takes on a pretty big comic book franchise, even bigger than The Walking Dead. This time, they’re donning the cape and cowl of one of DC Comic’s biggest heroes. While the idea of having a Batman game within the confines of Telltale’s established adventure game mold might seem weird at first, considering how action-oriented…

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