Getting the band together with Kine
A heartwarming story and a ton of charm make this jazzy puzzler worth your time.
PlayStation 4
A heartwarming story and a ton of charm make this jazzy puzzler worth your time.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint manages to tick all of the boxes for a modern Ubisoft game and at the same time if fails at what makes an open-world adventure fun thanks to meaningless progression, bugs, and an overall lack of identity.
Nihon Falcom’s newest entry in Trails of Cold Steel offers a lengthy adventure that finally brings the series to the current gen, and it does not disappoint in any way.
While there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about Marvel’s Avengers, it seems be a good action game starring some of your favorite comic book heroes.
Iron Man VR made for a fantastic demo, but the question of whether or not it can keep it up for a full game is still up in the air.
The alpha demo of Predator: Hunting Grounds felt like the rare time when being a mercenary grunt isn’t that bad of a deal.
The shift to a more action-focused combat system makes the Final Fantasy VII Remake feel dynamic and exciting, as the 20-minute demo showed.
A classic Star Wars game in its own right, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is one of the most fun implementations of lightsabers in videogame form you’re likely to play, and still holds up 17 years later.
Like an ambitious explorer that bites off more than they can chew, Greedfall is a heap of trouble of an adventure that never quite gets there. Its setting is one of the best you’ll see this year, but its execution leaves much to be desired, as it does very little to stray away from the conventional action-adventure RPG formula set by other games with much bigger budgets and teams.
Even though there’s still ways to go before it’s a true newbie friendly experience, Madden 20 is as close to easy to pick up as it has ever been before.