Rock Band 4 Video Review – A Stage Debutant
Just embrace the wacky in Alex Jackson’s video review of Rock Band 4.
PlayStation 4
Just embrace the wacky in Alex Jackson’s video review of Rock Band 4.
There’s a sense of profound satisfaction when you make it through one of Galak-Z‘s mission. It’s not only because they are difficult and thrilling to play, but also because everything is on the line all the time. One death means complete and utter failure in Galak-Z, and unlike any game I might have happened to…
Armello is an interesting blend of genres and ideas. It’s a strategy meets card game hybrid with some role-playing elements thrown on top. It seeks to recreate the tabletop experience in videogame form, such that it not only plays like one, but captures the look and feel too. From its aesthetics to its rules and…
Of all film franchises that have had any influence of videogames, the one that I can imagine have made the deepest contribution has got to be the Mad Max series. Games like Borderlands and The Last of Us have painted gorgeously distopic experiences, each on their own unique way, based somewhat on what Mad Max…
Everything has led to this moment. The Devil’s Basilisk – the London police department’s most advanced AI system – lay before me. After countless heists and meticulous planning, I’d finally reached the end with 27 days to spare. I hack the Basilisk’s last layer of security, grab the metal heart from its housing, and make…
Back at E3 I said Capsule Force was some of the most fun I’ve had with a local multiplayer game. For as much of that was born of out of the circumstances – the atmosphere, the people – I still stand by that statement. Developed by Klobit Games, Capsule Force pits two teams of two…
Rocksteady has finally put the conundrum they themselves created to bed. Their new Batman game, Arkham Knight, proves that there can be too many Batman games. Granted, they have been on a steady decline quality-wise ever since the original, fantastic Arkham Asylum, but the series is far from being considered anything remotely close to bad….
Velocibox is an endless runner wherein you play as a box that zooms down a rectangular corridor. The goal is to collect several smaller cubes littered about to ascend to the next level, avoiding the myriad obstacles along the way. You move about the hall by sliding left or right and by flipping the room…
One more try. That’s the feeling that has pervaded every single run I’ve taken on OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood since it first released on PlayStation platforms many months ago. There are many games like OlliOlli 2 where the leaderboards push the player to challenge themselves and reach that next level, but OlliOlli 2 did…
For the past couple years, one of the best parts of E3 isn’t actually within the show itself. The Indie Media Exchange is a small invite-only event that roams the world as either a booth in various videogame conventions or as a supplementary event on the side. It was something of a surprise last year for…