Why we are not reviewing Hogwarts Legacy
A statement from the Entertainium Editorial team regarding Hogwarts Legacy.
A statement from the Entertainium Editorial team regarding Hogwarts Legacy.
id Software and Avalanche Studios’ latest feels at odds with itself: it’s an excellent action game that loses a lot of its momentum thanks to the back and forth of its tedious open-world structure.
This is what Just Cause 3 should have been: a huge, mostly glitch-free playground of destruction in which you can let your beer-chugging, heavy metal-appreciating imagination go rampant.
Of all film franchises that have had any influence of videogames, the one that I can imagine have made the deepest contribution has got to be the Mad Max series. Games like Borderlands and The Last of Us have painted gorgeously distopic experiences, each on their own unique way, based somewhat on what Mad Max…
This year’s E3 could be considered one of the biggest showings for fan favorite franchises to make a return. In Mad Max‘s case, 2015 has been a fantastic year so far. Fury Road, the first film in the franchise in almost thirty years, has gotten an amazing reception that’s helped pump up interest for the upcoming game…