Entertainium Extra: Sega Buys Atlus, Race the Sun struggles, PS4 video capture woes, and more

Entertainium Extra is our weekly news round-up highlighting some of the bigger, interesting, or just plain weird stories from the past week. Sega acquires Atlus Or, more specifically, their parent company Index Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy back in June. After a few months on the market, Atlus has found itself a new owner. Sega…

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Entertainium Extra: Xbox One launch date, Dark Souls 2 beta, Hotline Miami 2 concessions, and more

Hello, and welcome once again to Entertainium Extra! Our weekly news round-up feature highlighting some of the bigger, interesting, or just plain weird stories from the past week. This week, Microsoft unveiled the release date for the Xbox One, Namco revealed the details on their forthcoming Dark Souls 2 beta, Hotline Miami 2 makes some concessions…

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