A bunch of Command and Conquer games have just hit Steam
And you can buy them all in a bundle at a discount this weekend, along with other EA classics like The Saboteur.
And you can buy them all in a bundle at a discount this weekend, along with other EA classics like The Saboteur.
The Need for Speed series has received an eye-catching new paint job, but it’s the subtle changes under the hood that make this a great racer.
Multiplayer focused games are kind of my personal curse. When I really like the mechanics of one in particular, I tend to get really interested and excited in playing it, then, after a few weeks with it, I stop playing. It’s been like that for years, probably due to the way I play games and…
I have to admit, so I’ll come out and just say it – I was never a big fan of Mirror’s Edge. Not even close to the level of adoration part of the public was in when it was released a few years ago. So much so that I wasn’t among the screaming crowd that was…
Dragon Age: Inquisition might just be the game that brings me into the series. After giving multiple tries in the original Dragon Age: Origins, I could never really get into the game. That is certainly a little ironic, since I’m such a huge fan of the Knight of the Old Republic games, which play pretty…
Hello, and welcome to Entertainium Extra! Our new weekly news round-up feature highlighting some of the bigger, interesting, or just plain weird stories from the past week. This week saw the news we’ve all been waiting for: new console launch details! Both Sony and Microsoft dropped the news at Gamescom in Germany, which probably marks…
We at Entertainium are a small team. We don’t often get the time to report on the news as it occurs because we’re busy with other matters. So, rather than expend energy writing up individual stories, we’ve elected to post a weekly recap of some news we feel is worth mentioning. Maybe that will be…