Review: Tedious WrestleQuest flexes the one muscle it has – nostalgia
Only hardcore fans of ‘80s wrestling or ‘90s JRPGs need apply for WrestleQuest, a backwards-looking fusion of the two
Only hardcore fans of ‘80s wrestling or ‘90s JRPGs need apply for WrestleQuest, a backwards-looking fusion of the two
Picking off from where Trails from Zero left off, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure continues to deliver excellent JRPG gameplay and a very worthwhile story.
With elements of Pokemon, The 7th Saga, Super Mario Bros and even a little Dark Souls thrown in for good measure, Dragon Quest Treasures is an island hopping, booty finding good time.
The biggest surprises of this year’s E3 came in form of impromptu interview opportunities that popped up during our appointments at the show. One of these happened when we stopped by Square Enix’s spacious booth for a showing of their JRPGs. Instead of the usual demo and information overload that everyone who writes about games at…