Papers, Please Review
Papers, Please is one of the best games to have addressed the omnipresence of bureaucracy since the Douglas Adams text-adventure in 1987.
Papers, Please is one of the best games to have addressed the omnipresence of bureaucracy since the Douglas Adams text-adventure in 1987.
Ridiculous is a word I could easily associate to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Although at first, that word might bring a negative light to anything it’s tied to, no other comes close to more aptly describing Revengeance. It’s ridiculously gory. Ridiculously over the top. It’s ridiculously fun, although it can get ridiculously frustrating at spots….
Persona 4 Golden appeals to two specific groups: those with a Playstation Vita looking for a solid port and those looking for an excuse to buy a Vita despite the handheld’s somewhat bare lineup. A glorified tribute to one of the Playstation 2’s last great JRPGs, Persona 4 Golden tweaks and extends Persona 4’s mechanics…
In the ten years the Ratchet & Clank series has been around for, developer Insomniac perfected its formula. With the series distilled to an exact science, where do they go next? How do they keep the series fresh? The answer: tower-defense. Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault is a multiplayer-centric entry in lieu of 2005’s…
Halo is in confident, risk-adverse hands. Developed by 343 Industries, the torchbearer for Bungie’s universe after Halo: Reach, Halo 4 is a passionate labor of love developed through caution and carefulness. Little can be said about Halo 4’s faults, if only because the faults of Halo 4 can extend to the rest of the series….
High definition visuals are exactly what Okami needed. The original PlayStation 2 release was and is still gorgeous; time hasn’t harmed it in the slightest. But the move to current-gen consoles breathes new life into Okami. Developer Hexa Drive took an already strong foundation and fortified it to the point of flawlessness. Okami HD is easily the definitive version of Okami and one of…
It’s always refreshing to see a quality new adventure game pop up from places other than Telltale Games.Cognition is a new series put out by indie developer Phoenix Online Studios as a product of a Kickstarter campaign. The first episode in the four part series, titled ‘The Hangman’ introduces us to Boston FBI agent Erica Reed,…
After the dust subsided in the great video game crash of 1983, a new era arose from the ashes with the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. Gaming became cool. Everyone had an NES. Brothers and sisters played it together, friends came over to play, and even mom and dad played from time…
If I had to write a list of the most addicting games ever, Torchlight 2 would most definitely be at the top. Breaking Bad’s Walter White only dreams of concocting something that grabs your attention and free time as much as Runic Games’ latest offering. Hot in the heels of Diablo III’s release, Torchlight 2…
You are wounded, scared and alone. Your pack is mostly dead. A few scattered bones remind you of the ones you cherished in life. You smell and catch something in the corner of your eye. Too late. You are now at the brink of dying. A predator has caught you. You take it as a…