Ruiner is a demanding, difficult, and absolutely relentless isometric shooter

There’s something about Ruiner that will click with a particular sect of players. The kind that enjoys games are demanding, extremely difficult, and absolutely relentless. Ruiner is all of those things, and while it does its best to be appeal to casuals with an impressive visual aesthetic and presentation, there’s no denying who it’s really…

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Mega Man Legacy Collection 2’s lineup might be disappointing, but it more than makes up in content

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is an inherently inferior compilation in comparison to the first, mainly due to its lineup of games, but it excels in bringing back to light some my least favorite entries in the franchise. In fact, Capcom has done an admirable job putting this new collection together. Although neither Mega Man…

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Prey is a hodgepodge of ideas that ends up being a bland experience

Prey is a mixed, flawed experience that overreaches for success by borrowing elements from many successful games. Considering its troubled development, that started out years ago as a sequel to an entirely different franchise from 3D Realms that was also called Prey, it’s no surprise that this new and completely unrelated release struggles so much…

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