Review: Shovel Knight Dig proves there’s still a lot more Shovel Knight left to see
Is there really a game genre Shovel Knight won’t fit into? Shovel Knight Dig is here to answer just that.
Is there really a game genre Shovel Knight won’t fit into? Shovel Knight Dig is here to answer just that.
Join Shovel Knight and friends on a quest for the ultimate booty in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon.
The collection is finally complete! And it’s excellent!
Shovel Knight, in the simplest of terms, is the ultimate Capcom NES game that never was. If you go further defining it, though, it’s much more than a mere retro-styled indie game. Yacht Club Games has lovingly created Shovel Knight to play like an NES game, sure, but their care went well beyond just emulating…