Callum Rakestraw

Reviews Editor for Entertainium. He/him (avatar by @yurlunngur on Twitter)

Race the Sun Review

As far as endless runners (or “racer,” in this case) go, Race the Sun from developer Flippfly is one of the more intriguing ones. It places emphasis on user-created content, melding player-made levels with the main-game attractions marvelously. Minimalist design that extends beyond mere aesthetics create strong, blistering play, tightly packed levels providing challenge steadily…

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Ibb & Obb Review

Depending on how you play Ibb & Obb, it will either be a delightful game of jolly cooperation or an exercise in multitasking hell. Despite its inviting looks, Ibb & Obb is a deceitfully challenging game. It’s cooperative-based platforming requires coordination on a grand scale, as well as extreme dexterity should you play solo. Guiding…

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Gun Monkeys Impressions

Haven’t played enough of the game to feel comfortable reviewing Gun Monkeys yet (connectivity issues – mine and the game’s own – have been preventing me from finding many games, random or otherwise), but I’ve been itching to write, so… yeah. Impressions! Enjoy. Procedurally-generated maps is a brilliant idea for a multiplayer game. Keeps every…

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