Entertainium Staff

This account is used for joint articles written collectively by the Entertainium editorial team.

Scurvy Scallywags Review

Scurvy Scallywags is a surprise. Because it is a match 3 game, I expected something along the lines of a palette-swapped and pirate-themed Bejeweled, Ron Gilbert be damned. What I got was a resplendent game oozing with quirky and smart dialogue, tongue-in-cheek humor, and a nicely laid out and thematic interface. Scurvy Scallywags is structured…

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The Sushi Spinnery Review

If I’ve learned anything from The Sushi Spinnery, it’s that I’m a woefully uncreative sushi chef and that sushi restaurants have schedules on par with Bangladeshi sweatshops. However, whether these lessons are an accurate representation of owning a sushi restaurant is another matter. The Sushi Spinnery is Kairosoft’s latest English-released management simulator for the iPhone. Most similar to Hot Springs Story, The Sushi…

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