Know the Staff: Christian Cain

Know the Staff is a new ongoing series of short introductions of the Entertainium staff, new and old. To start things off, we invited our very own fighting game expert and features writer Christian Cain to the mound!

Hey there!

My name is Christian, but most people know in the fighting game community me as ETR.

Since I’ll be doing some fighting game articles for Entertainium I figured it would be best to introduce myself and a bit of my fighting game background so everyone has a good idea where I come from within the community… and you know, maybe take my advice seriously.

I began my competitive career in 2009 with Street Fighter 4, when I picked it up a few months after it hit consoles. Not being a great fighting game player or fan while growing up- and frankly I hated Street Fighter 2 as a kid! blasphemy, I know! – this was a huge jump for me. After falling in love with the series, I did my homework, and began attending various events such as Wednesday Night Fights, over at Super Arcade, a small group called Fedex Fight Nights and other Southern California events. I’ve traveled all across California, and some other states, playing, practicing, and making lots of friends along the way.

As my experience progressed, I eventually found myself dabbling in live commentary in 2010 taking my first commentator role on Offcast’s (a well known fighting game streaming channel on stream at a small local event in Orange, California. After falling in love with it, I’ve spent the last 3 years trying my best to get improve my passion, and possible obsession. Since then I’ve done commentary for events such as WNF, The Runback, a Thursday night event over at Super Arcade, Epic Gamer Productions, the Shadowloo Showdown USA Qualifiers for the big event in Australia, and SoCal’s premier fighting game tournament, Southern California Regionals (SCR).

For now, I’m still working through school, and staying very active in the community from behind the scenes, and of course practicing at home.

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