Hitman 2 sheds light on 47’s mysterious past, and delivers gameplay in spades
Hitman 2 is the franchise’s pinnacle in terms of gameplay and design.
Hitman 2 is the franchise’s pinnacle in terms of gameplay and design.
Having a series of increasingly difficult fights would be great and all, but the main deal with The Good, The Bad, and The Augmented is that it gets really repetitive pretty quickly.
SoulCalbur VI is an excellent pickup, especially so for anyone like me, who’s fallen off from the series at a point.
The SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is yet another great package that fits fantastically well on the Switch.
It’s a shame that Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics lacks the oomph and content, because its theme would otherwise make for an extremely exciting game. It’s silly enough to make it for a fun premise, and starting out, Achtung feels like it might be going places, but sadly it never quite takes off.
It’s hard to tell what Deliver Us The Moon is ultimately saying just yet, but the core mystery does provide some good thrills — until it abruptly ends.
I was already impressed by Kingdom Come during my time with it earlier this year for review, and jumping back to it months later didn’t dull that feeling at all.
It would be easy to write Call of Cthulhu off as a cliched and extremely derivative game, but it manages to tick off all of the boxes when it comes to delivering a competent horror experience.
Regardless of your feelings towards multiplayer card games, there’s enough variety in Thronebreaker to keep you busy for quite a while.
Lamplight City is an excellently crafted adventure, and well worth experiencing for the opportunity to interact with a unique alternative world.