Review: Still Wakes the Deep is a well-paced Scottish horror adventure
Still Wakes the Deep delivers you the thrills and tension of its collapsing oil rig rollercoaster with fine precision.
Still Wakes the Deep delivers you the thrills and tension of its collapsing oil rig rollercoaster with fine precision.
While the open world format relies too much on repetitious side activities, Ghostwire: Tokyo’s beautiful world is successful in maintaining engagement.
2016. There’s nothing to be said that hasn’t already been said, and I don’t want to drag down what should be a celebration of the year in video games. But the fact is 2016 wasn’t pleasant, to put it mildly. Thankfully, what was generally a disastrous year for the world was actually a rather good…
In 1957, British science fiction writer John Wyndham published a novel called The Midwich Cuckoos. The basic plot surrounded the small, sedate village of Midwich in the heart of the English countryside, where a strange event suddenly rendered all the villagers unconscious. Anything entering within a 2 mile radius of the village was instantly knocked…