Review: Ys X: Nordics has you plundering across the open sea
Ys X is a less ambitious game but still manages to convey what the series has been going for for decades, which will surely please newcomers and long time fans.
Ys X is a less ambitious game but still manages to convey what the series has been going for for decades, which will surely please newcomers and long time fans.
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is Nihon Falcom’s break out of the Trails saga, and it’s one of its best titles yet, now finally out on current gen systems.
Originally a Japan-exclusive entry in the The Legend of Heroes series, Trails from Zero has finally gotten an English localization by NIS America, and by all accounts, it’s as excellent of a J-RPG as the rest of the franchise.
The latest entry in Ys is by all accounts a by-the-numbers JRPG, and it’s not made any worse by that.
Nihon Falcom’s newest entry in Trails of Cold Steel offers a lengthy adventure that finally brings the series to the current gen, and it does not disappoint in any way.