Review: Gimmick! 2 is a charmingly simple and fun platformer
Gimmick! 2 marks the first time that a new entry in the series has been officially released outside of Japan.
Gimmick! 2 marks the first time that a new entry in the series has been officially released outside of Japan.
Phantom Spark’s time trials are as pleasing as they are exciting.
Sony’s pulling of Concord from store shelves and digital marketplaces highlight the merciless nature of the videogame industry.
A labour of love for solo developer Jordan Mochi, Conscript is an unusual lo-fi take on survival horror.
Star Wars Outlaws is a serviceable open-world game that makes great use of the license, but fails to provide much of a reason for non-believers to jump in.
Arranger is a palate-cleansing puzzle game which hits all its notes with practised poise.
A party-based Souls-like is an inventive idea, but Deathbound can’t meet its lofty ambitions.
Vampire Therapist shows that even undead blood-suckers can have complex emotional problems.
Capcom’s new celestial mix of various gaming genres is a sure hit as Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess shows in spades.