Eduardo Reboucas

Eduardo has been playing and talking about games for about as long as he can remember. You can follow him at

BGS 2018: Trigger Run is a fun, more casual and lighter load alternative to Overwatch and Paladins

Brazil Game Show is also a big event for independent developers, and in between appointments and hands-on demos that were held in the ‘indie avenue’ of São Paulo’s Expo Center Norte, I was able to have a quick chat with Mario Silveira, the CEO of 2Axion Games, the Los Angeles based studio behind the free-to-play…

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BGS 2018: A chat with Traveller’s Tales’ Super-Villain, er… Senior Producer Matthew Ellison

To Traveller’s Tales’ senior producer Matthew Ellison, the most important aspect to the LEGO games is their accessibility and how creatively they make use of their licenses. I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with him for a few minutes at Brazil Game Show last week, where Warner Bros was showing off the…

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