Eduardo Reboucas

Eduardo has been playing and talking about games for about as long as he can remember. You can follow him at

The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 2: Give No Shelter Review – Ain’t no heaven up there, honey

Michonne’s foray in Telltale’s The Walking Dead games felt like it had a rocky start in episode one. Given their experience with working with established characters in their previous series, like Game of Thrones and Back to the Future, it would seem that they’d nail making such a fan favorite character like Michonne into very compelling protagonist. For better…

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The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1: In Too Deep Review – You’ve got a name people remember

Although it doesn’t stray from Telltale’s usual M.O, The Walking Dead: Michonne‘s first episode delivers the starting bits of what could turn out to be great development for one of the comic book and TV show’s most beloved characters. Including established characters in a companion piece of media is always a shaky proposal for any popular franchise. It’s…

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The Witness – You Might Want to See This

If Braid was the little kid in class who loved to draw beautiful pictures but was cleverly obnoxious to no end, Jonathan Blow’s newest game would probably be the new foreign exchange student. You’ll understand little of what The Witness is saying at first, and it’s a sure bet that you’ll be annoyed, trying to comprehend its unique gestures and language. You’ll come to…

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Mega Man Legacy Collection Review – Welcome back, Blue Bomber

After all the drama with Keiji Inafune’s departure Capcom and the company’s apparent effort to drive the light away from his works as a result of it, the Mega Man franchise saw little in terms of releases, with a couple cameos here and there, but nothing substantial. Given the characters humongous popularity during three videogame generations…

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