Gareth Brading

Digital Editor for Entertainium. I mainly review PC titles, but enjoy games from a wide variety of different genres.

Hearthstone: A great, fundamentally broken game

As 2017 marches through August and into September, Hearthstone has just experienced the launch of its sixth expansion in three years. Since March 2014 when the game originally released, it has been regularly supported with the launch of new cards sets and occasional single-player adventures. I’ve played Hearthstone semi-regularly throughout this time, playing enough games…

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Firewatch Review – Cannot douse the flames in my heart

Almost everyone will immediately recognize the phrase “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires”. It’s the slogan of Smokey the Bear, the United States Forest Service’s long-time mascot designed to educate the public of the dangers of human-created wildfires. Whilst you might initially think that most wildfires are started by human activity, actually a lot of…

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