Years later, Showdown and King of Cards round out the Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
The collection is finally complete! And it’s excellent!
Nintendo Switch
The collection is finally complete! And it’s excellent!
Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! It’s Sega Ages!
A simple and elegant combo system make Super Crush KO a constant joy to play.
If you’d like to experience your dystopian future with a slice of humour, look no further than Paranoia.
Sparklite isn’t a terribly long or difficult game — and that’s great. With how many games vie for our attention these days, something quick and simple always makes for a nice change of pace. Being able to play a game from start to finish without having to invest weeks worth of play is a godsend…
2019 was an exhausting year. So much so that I’m making this bold claim with a full month still left to go. That’s how writing works! And still, with thirty days still left to go, I’m dead tired. This past year really took it out of me in many different ways, but one thing helped…
Because destroying Conquistadors in space will never get old.
If you’d just arrived into the Galar region and were given the town map at the train station, upon perusing it, you’d think it was deceptively simplistic and undersized, given the in game map’s almost whimsical nature. But you’d be mistaken. Galar is huge. Your journey through Galar starts as earnestly as in other Poke-regions. …
Lab Zero’s latest release is a really unique RPG that’s well worth diving into.
Just when you thought you were out of the rogue family, you will keep coming back thanks to Children of Morta’s beautiful presentation and approach to storytelling.