E3 2015 – Whispering Willows, Velocibox, and Back to Bed make their way to console this summer via Loot Interactive

Tucked away in one of the corners of the IndieCade booth was publisher Loot Interactive. The company’s been around for some time, toiling away at making items for the now defunct PlayStation Home, but they’ve just recently become a fully independent publisher. Their lineup this year consisted of ports of PlayStation 4 and Vita ports…

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E3 2015 – A bullet of your time, please; Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 would like a word

Going in to see a Sniper game probably doesn’t sound too appealing to most players unfamiliar the series. Admitedly, I was also kind of skeptical about this appointment myself. But after sitting through a particularly harowing and well put together demo that was played to tactical perfection by one of, the members of IC Games’,…

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