‘Rules’ doesn’t shake things up too much for Life is Strange 2 but it’s still a great episode to play through
I had a great time playing through episode 2 of Life is Strange 2, even though it’s not nearly as well polished as the previous one.
I had a great time playing through episode 2 of Life is Strange 2, even though it’s not nearly as well polished as the previous one.
Episode One: ‘Roads’ manages to close out a pretty traumatic story arc for the two brothers, and it leaves enough hooks to keep me pinning for what’s to come in the remainder of the season.
There are times when “throwing the kitchen sink in” works extremely well in games. Examples of that method of game design are aplenty, but the same can be said about the opposite, when putting too many systems into a game without honing any of them particularly well only makes it a bloated mess. Vampyr sits…
Moving away for now from Life is Strange (there’s going to be a prequel out before the eventual sequel, but that won’t be developed by them) DONTNOD is set to add their own flavor to the Mass Effect formula with Vampyr, an action-RPG set in early 20th century London, crippled by the Spanish Flu epidemic…
Vampyr was little more than a t-shirt with a printed title being given out last E3, or at least that was the most of what was shown then. So it was great to see how Remember Me and Life is Strange’s DONTNOD’s newest game is shaping up to, with actual gameplay. It’s a third person…