It feels like the Iceborne expansion just hit Monster Hunter World, but it’s been well over three months since consoles got it, and a couple of weeks for PC players. Since then, though, Capcom has put out a number of updates, including the mighty Rajang, who I got my ss handed by during Brazil Game Show last October. Sadly, thanks to the huge stack of games I had to review after checking out Iceborne back at release, I haven’t really been able to play much of it after reviewing it, so I ended up missing a lot of the updates.
Capcom doesn’t really care about my lack of time, though, having just announced a slew of new content coming to Monster Hunter World, but frankly the biggest piece of news that came out of their latest update press release is the announcement of day and date updates coming to PC. That’s been the biggest gripe to PC players and to myself, who were being kept from following up on all the cool stuff coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Come April, that will be no more, as that’s when the PC version of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will be up to date with its console brethren and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
Funnily enough, this is not as simple as just flipping a switch. PC players will be receiving all of the content that’s already out on consoles in waves in the coming months, starting on February 6th, when the big kong Rajang will finally stomp PC, along with the new Volcanic region hunting area in the Guiding Lands, which was released on consoles last October. PC hunters will also be able to partake on the Resident Evil 2 Remake collaboration, with missions that will help them earn materials for the special Leon and Claire armor sets, as well as three new Raccoon City-themed pendants for their weapons, cool beans.

Following that up on March 12th is the introduction of the Stygian Zinogre, who is a variation of the lighting-based Zinogre, who inhabited the Guiding Lands in the post-game. This time, you’re going to have to deal with Dragon elemental damage attacks, so be sure to equip your best armor before taking him on, unlike me, who likes to look cool and not functional at all. With that update, a new Tundra region will be unlocked in the Guiding Lands, which includes exclusive materials that are required for a bunch of new gear. While not a huge fan of the post-game in MHW, I commend Capcom for trying their best to make up for the lack of things to do after being done with the story, that’s for sure.
And like the golden Kulve Taroth from the base game, PC players will then also be able to tackle Safi’jiiva with up to sixteen other players split into four-man groups, from which they’ll be able to earn new Awakened weapons and even more mats for ridiculous looking but oh-so-powerful armor sets, if Kulve’s any indication. I mean, hunting monsters covered in gold, really?
Console hunters don’t need to feel left out as they’ll be getting new limited time event quests that will boost their chances of encountering gold crown monsters, as well as decorations and even Great Spiritvein Gems, so if you’ve been hankering for more monsters in order to complete your hunting log and finally earn those pesky grindy achievements/trophies, you’re in luck! Capcom is also teasing two new variant monsters that will be coming during that time to consoles and later in April to PC, but haven’t announced which ones those are. There’s also going to be a number of new Arch-Tempered and MR monsters, but they are also being held close to the vest by Capcom, with no indication of what those are, only that they’re coming when both console and PC get synched and start getting updated together.

From that point on, in May a new monster who according to Capcom is a fan-favorite will be making its way to Iceborne, marking the day and date release schedule from June and throughout the rest of the year. It’s weird to talk about June when 2020 has barely started, but there’s no time to waste when you’re hunting behemoths! But until then, you can join your fellow poachers and bask in the second anniversary of Monster Hunter World through the Grand Appreciation Fest, starting today through February 13th, including a whole lot of gear and content to pick through on whatever system you play the game in.
I’m positively excited about the prospect of having synched updates between the two versions of the game. Having made my way through Iceborne on PlayStation 4 for review, it was one of the only things holding me back from getting up to date on PC. I do wish I could transfer my progress over and completely drop that version of the game, but apparently the synch is the best we’re going to get for the time being. As I reported back when the base version made its way to PC, playing Monster Hunter World that way is like diving into an entirely new game, thanks to the added options and extra power, allowing me to run it at close to 60 fps. It makes one hell of a difference!
I’ll be sure to report back on all of these updates once they start hitting next month, so until then be sure to keep an eye out. And if you’d like to join me on PC, feel free to drop a comment down below with your Steam ID. See you there!