Review: It’s a marvel that Dead Island 2 is out and an even bigger one that it’s good
Following a novel-worthy journey through development hell, it’s a miracle that Dead Island 2 turned out as well as it did.
Following a novel-worthy journey through development hell, it’s a miracle that Dead Island 2 turned out as well as it did.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is otherwise a fantastic PC experience that is sadly a slog on consoles due to clunky controls and a cumbersome interface.
Saints Row tries to reboot the franchise but stumbles in its delivery, with bland, dated, and repetitive gameplay.
And it sure looks mighty fine in 4K.
Iron Harvest is probably the most fun I’ve had with an RTS story in years.
Deep Silver delivers yet another serviceable remaster of an old fan favorite game.
It’s dumb fun that you won’t want to impeach.
The Metro series is no stranger to breaking ground in games. It was one of the first FPS post-apocalyptic games to come from Eastern Europe, and alongside S.T.A.L.K.E.R, it showed that that part of the world has some great stories to tell when it comes to nuclear annihilation and the rebuilding of humanity that follows….
Things have come a long way since last year’s E3 for Czech developer Warhouse Studios and their newest game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Then, I only got to see a small sliver of what it’s all about, and even at that moment Deliverance already sounded pretty damn ambitious. This E3’s presentation focused on going into more…