Loop Hero is out now on the Switch and you must play it immediately
Unless you’ve already done so on other systems, then you’re excused. Or you can buy it again now, it’s totally worth it.
Unless you’ve already done so on other systems, then you’re excused. Or you can buy it again now, it’s totally worth it.
Brazilian studio Mad Mimic present their take on the “just one more run” gameplay of Hades, and it’s a kind of magic.
Loop Hero is a satisfyingly rich experience, and you don’t have to be a Roguelike masochist to enjoy it.
Double Fine’s latest game misses some of the X factors that make other roguelikes ageless, but it can be potentially fun for a while.
I’m drifting down the river on a ramshackle raft. It’s midday. I just finished some repairs on the raft after it suffered some damage while navigating some rapids. As I contemplate what my next move should be, I take a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet. Haven’t seen a whole lot along the river…
Fell off a cliff and died in an explosion. Caught by the cops and executed for crimes I didn’t commit. Eaten by wildlife after surviving a crash. Struck with amnesia, living a peaceful life as a baker. These are a few of the ways my career as a smuggler came to an end in SmuggleCraft….
Roguelikes aren’t typically the sort of game I think of when I want to play something to unwind to. Their tense nature generally reverses them for something I have to specifically be in the mood to play given how long individual runs in these games last and how crushing defeat inevitably is. TumbleSeed is different….
With the Dark Souls series having come to an end, plenty of developers are looking to fill that void. We’ve already seen a couple of Souls-likes this year, with DarkMaus and Salt and Sanctuary delivering top-down and side-scroller takes on From Software’s flagship franchise, but they’re hardly the last we’ll see in 2016. I saw…
There’s a degree of familiarity anyone who’s remotely interested in top-down shooters will feel when playing Enter the Gungeon. After all, at first glance, it’s strikingly similar to many, many games that came before it. Just as its brethren, it’s hard and merciless, teaching you its ways by throwing you back to the beginning every…