You really should take this Journey to the Savage Planet, we insist!
And be an explorer! It’ll be worth it, you can trust your friends at Kindred Aerospace.
And be an explorer! It’ll be worth it, you can trust your friends at Kindred Aerospace.
The collection is finally complete! And it’s excellent!
Kakarot isn’t an RPG under the guise of Dragon Ball Z, but it’s a Dragon Ball Z game in which RPG elements are crammed into without a lot of depth.
If more companies are able to follow The Outer Worlds’ lead and create more experiences like it, gaming will be all the better.
Lab Zero’s latest release is a really unique RPG that’s well worth diving into.
It’s easy to dismiss it as just “anime Dark Souls,” but Code Vein’s take on the Souls formula is well worth a look.
But it’s a good way to start the loud and crazy events of the newest entry in the long-running annual series.
Just when you thought you were out of the rogue family, you will keep coming back thanks to Children of Morta’s beautiful presentation and approach to storytelling.
Call it an RTS, reverse tower defense, diabolical Pikmin, or whatever else you want, just don’t pass this gem up.
Trine 4 goes back to the mold of the first two games in the series and succeeds in being the best entry so far.