E3 2014 – Tales from the Borderlands Impressions
Who would’ve known Borderlands could ever be made into an adventure game? For one, the folks at Telltale Games. Tales from the Borderlands is their newest episodic game set in the crazy world of Pandora, that follows the events right after the end of Borderlands 2. Whether or not you were wondering what was going on…
The Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle brings back two great hits to PS4 and Xbox One
If you’re a fan of character action games you shouldn’t miss it.

Review: Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key is a long title to an easygoing game that’s a joy to play
Because sometimes you just want to cook up recipes and help deal with folks’ everyday life problems. That’s what Atelier Ryza 3 is all about.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Review
Dedication is a word that gets thrown around a lot when describing videogames. MMOs in particular have a knack of hailing the demand of dedication as a core tenant of their structure of play. And while some might have a legitimate claim, few games are as worthy of your dedication as the colorful Monster Hunter 4…

Cyberpunk 2077 on current gen systems is just… an okay game
Looking back at Cyberpunk 2077’s grueling multi-year development and catastrophic post-launch, a month and change after its release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.
My Hero One’s Justice falls short of being Plus Ultra
My relationship with Boku no Hero Academia, or My Hero Academia as it’s known outside of Japan is a weird one. I generally tend to avoid shonen anime — you know, the kind aimed at adolescent boys, generally — since I really got my fill of it during my own teens and early 20s with…

Review: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 builds upon the merits and inherits the faults of the original game
It’s more of Insomniac’s take on superhero games, and in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it’s now two-fold!
Dollar Dash Review
An exceedingly fun, colourful menagerie of cartoonish robbery, Dollar Dash reminds me of the old independent games you find on CDs at convenience store for two dollars. However, instead of 3 level tiers and jerky controls, Dollar Dash is a vivid, smoothly run piece of social fun. The game has no fleshed out plot: you’re…
Smoke and Sacrifice will certainly remind you of Don’t Starve
Smoke and Sacrifice is somewhat flawed and slow to play, but if you can managed to overcome these issues, there’s an entertaining game to be found.