Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – Into the valley of death, rode Billie Lurk
Death of the Outsider is another stellar addition to the pantheon of immersive sims, and it is different enough from Dishonored 2 that it can proudly stand apart.
Death of the Outsider is another stellar addition to the pantheon of immersive sims, and it is different enough from Dishonored 2 that it can proudly stand apart.
There’s something about Ruiner that will click with a particular sect of players. The kind that enjoys games are demanding, extremely difficult, and absolutely relentless. Ruiner is all of those things, and while it does its best to be appeal to casuals with an impressive visual aesthetic and presentation, there’s no denying who it’s really…
The path for humanity into the future is looking increasingly uncertain in 2017. Numerous events, from the financial crisis, the rise of automation, global warming to the election of a certain so-called President, brought about a strong sense that the world is not heading in a great direction. Neofeud takes this bad path to one…
Out of the host of games that I got to check out during BIG Festival in July, Death Squared was easily the one that caused the strongest emotional response. That emotion was bewilderment, with a pinch of rage. It’s a really clever puzzle game that makes fantastic use of dual analog controls as you keep…
Calling Absolver a martial arts Dark Souls would be to do a huge disservice to the incredibly unique experience that French studio Sloclap has crafted. Absolver’s deep combat system is only one of the many elements that make it one of the most fascinating games I’ve played in a long time. Structure-wise, anyone who’s had…
I’ve always had a secret love of the London Underground. True, the Tube can be ridiculously overcrowded, confusingly laid out and a nightmare for tourists to navigate, but for the canny commuter or regular visitor, the Underground can feel like an old, reassuring friend. The usual familiarity of the stations with their varied designs; the…
After reading through Gareth’s excellent analysis of Hearthstone, I’ve decided to talk about Blizzard’s other hit, Overwatch. Mainly, I wanted to touch upon what bothers me the most about it: the loot boxes. Like a litany of other online multiplayer games, Overwatch “drops” are tied to an acronym whose mention sends shivers down the spine…
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is an inherently inferior compilation in comparison to the first, mainly due to its lineup of games, but it excels in bringing back to light some my least favorite entries in the franchise. In fact, Capcom has done an admirable job putting this new collection together. Although neither Mega Man…
Never a stranger to less than realistic portrayals of classic moments in history, I was very intrigued by the prospect of playing West of Loathing, a game that by name alone already had me chuckling. Set in a crudely drawn but incredibly charming world of stick figures making a living in the Wild West, you…
There have been so many overhead isometric action games over the years that it’s easy to lose count and take new releases for granted. Varying wildly in quality, from gems like Diablo 3 to mixed experiences like Dead Nation, I could easily run out of hands counting how many of those I’ve played over the…