Review: Kosmokrats dares to dream of Soviet space triumph
Kosmokrats has a funny, well-written story and a great soundtrack, but the somewhat frustrating puzzles occasionally hamper enjoyment.
Kosmokrats has a funny, well-written story and a great soundtrack, but the somewhat frustrating puzzles occasionally hamper enjoyment.
Two distinct sides within the same gigantic brand that is Star Wars use nostalgia to a great effect and are helping to provide some of the best gaming experiences of the year.
Watch Dogs: Legion in many ways is a competent sequel, although gameplay-wise it’s one that plays it very safe.
Iron Harvest is probably the most fun I’ve had with an RTS story in years.
Trying to survive against obstacles of your own making is no easy task as Terror Squid shows.
Funselektor Labs’ Art of Rally is one of the best and most unique racing games to come out in a while.
With Pendragon, British developer inkle apply their flair for narrative design to Arthurian legend – but are less successful in experimenting with turn-based tactics
Solving a murder isn’t always as simple as just putting the pieces together.
Spiritfarer handles its heavy subject matter with care, crafting a story that’s equal parts comforting and moving.
There’s something brewing down in Gorgon and it’s not just what’s under the bar in the Sprat Shack.