Loop Hero is out now on the Switch and you must play it immediately
Unless you’ve already done so on other systems, then you’re excused. Or you can buy it again now, it’s totally worth it.
Unless you’ve already done so on other systems, then you’re excused. Or you can buy it again now, it’s totally worth it.
This surprising, belated expansion to the real-time stealth tactics classic is a document of a developer at the top of their game.
Spectacular visuals and addictive multiplayer will mostly satisfy series fans, but the short and extremely linear campaign won’t win over new recruits.
In the desert of Da’at lies one hell of a SMT adventure.
Mr Driller Drill Land is ever so charming and a blast to play rather you’re by your lonesome or with a buddy or three.
Gynoug is another quality shooter that makes its way to your ever-growing digital retro shooter library.
A quality port of Knights of the Old Republic available right now for hopefully your not too far away Switch.
With each new film roll, a new survival horror camera show.
Surprisingly, Iron Harvest is very playable on a controller.