Review: In Amnesia Rebirth some memories are best left forgotten
You can’t recall how you survived, but do you really want to remember?
PlayStation 4
You can’t recall how you survived, but do you really want to remember?
Nier Replicant is a must-play for fans of Nier Automata or of the original Nier, but it will prove to be a hard pill to swallow for anyone new to the franchise due to its plodding pacing and outdated gameplay.
The time has come… Execute Order Re-release!
Some videogame corpses are better left undisturbed.
Sackboy isn’t anything new or exciting, but it’s still a fun, all around good time.
If you’ve the patience of a saint to be at the whim of the gods, Gods Will Fall is your kind of game.
The latest entry in Ys is by all accounts a by-the-numbers JRPG, and it’s not made any worse by that.
Even though it does little to make it anything but an average game, Immortals Fenyx Rising is one of the most easy going Ubisoft games in quite a while.
It’s cops versus racers yet again! In HD! Need for Speed is back!
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War once again plays with history and delivers a dumb, but ultimately fun campaign.