Review: Serious Sam 4 preaches to the converted, and that’s OK
FPS icon Sam “Serious” Stone is back in action, but little has changed in the nine years he’s been away.
FPS icon Sam “Serious” Stone is back in action, but little has changed in the nine years he’s been away.
Iron Harvest is probably the most fun I’ve had with an RTS story in years.
Trails of Cold Steel IV is as much of an epic as its predecessors in just about every way.
Trying to survive against obstacles of your own making is no easy task as Terror Squid shows.
Horace is an emotionally powerful game that you should by all means play as soon as you can.
Windbound is fine for a short pleasure cruise, but you’re unlikely to want to complete the full voyage.
Ride 4 is a disappointing entry in Milestone’s chief franchise.
Crash Bandicoot 4 does what the series is best at by providing a hefty challenge, and some smart additions to gameplay make it ever more playable than previous entries.
Funselektor Labs’ Art of Rally is one of the best and most unique racing games to come out in a while.
Get ready to suffer for your crimes in the Netherworld, Prinny! Forever!